lunes, 19 de enero de 2015

Letter to National Geographic readers

Dear “National Geographic” readers,
I have been reading opinions of people talking about if the zoos are good or not for saving endangered animals and I want to give my opinion and try to explain some information about this topic.
I personally don´t like the existence of zoos, because I think wild animals should live in their habitat and have free space to run, hunt and do what they would do in their freedom, and this is not possible for them in zoos, because in zoos are enclosed in a small space normally.
Many species, including endangered species such as pandas and elephants are notoriously difficult to breed in captivity, there is also the problem of genetic diversity. In small populations there can be problems associated with inbreeding, which can result in genetically weaker offspring. . Keeping an animal in a small area can cause the animals to get depressed and stop eating. Animals need their natural habitat, don´t live in their habitat could cause an animal to act differently than it would in the wild.
I invite readers of national geographic to find information and think about this topic.
José Francisco Ros Gómez


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